OCN Events |
Headed by: BWG
OCN Link: http://www.overclock.net/t/1349392/2013-chimp-challenge-discussions
AxiHub Link: http://folding.axihub.ca/ccteam.php
An annual event where all the big folding teams partake in a massive competition for the glory of top folding team for a year. This competition replaces the Foldathon for a month and is 10 days long. It's a great show of how well teams are able to get all their folders together.
Headed by: BWG
OCN Link: http://www.overclock.net/t/1222125/coremageddon
AxiHub Link: http://folding.axihub.ca/displayc.php
A friendly competition between all the multi-processor folders.
Headed by: axipher
OCN Link: http://www.overclock.net/t/1615451/forum-folding-war-2017/0_20
AxiHub Link: http://folding.axihub.ca/ffw.php
An OCN multi-team annual event where members band together to make their own teams for a week long Folding marathon.
Headed by: PR-Imagery
OCN Link: http://www.overclock.net/t/1587104/2016-foldathon-schedule/0_20
AxiHub Link: http://folding.axihub.ca/foldathonteam.php
A 48-hour monthly event where all of OCN bands together for a solid 2 days of folding. The event has a bunch of prizes for participants. If you can't fold all day, every day, why not at least to the Foldathons.
Headed by: BWG
OCN Link: http://www.overclock.net/f/370/team-competition
AxiHub Link: http://folding.axihub.ca/displayp.php
A friendly competition between 9 teams of 6 split in to 2 divisions. Each member on the team belongs to one of 6 categories with various hardware restrictions. An average of 20 hours a day of folding is required.